

The sound of beans grinding, idle conversations, 60's antiques, reading books.
All these little things make up moments in which we take comfort.
It's nice to have a place where you can relax in ordinary everday life.

  • 住所:
    大阪市北区中崎3-2-22  /
  •  電話番号:
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  • 25.01.16
    【 お知らせ 】
  • 24.10.29
    【 ワララ木陰市 】
  • 24.12.27
    【 不定期便 |わらら新聞 】
    ・最新号!第49号 <全14頁> 店頭にて配布中。
  • 24.08.07
    【 “喫茶ごはん”と”ブランチ”のテイクアウト 】
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  • WARARAホットブレンド(豆/粉)¥1,060税込/200g


  • WARARAアイスブレンド(粉)¥1,060税込/200g
  • WARARAエスプレッソブレンド(豆)¥1,100税込/200g
  • House Blend(Whole Beans/Grounds)¥950with tax/200g
    Mixing deeply roasted Columbian and Kilimanjaro beans with medium roasted beans, the blend has a perfect balance of richness and lightness. We have managed to maintain the flavor of freshly-brewed coffee even after cooling, thus minimizing the sourness that would normally occur. This method is called the After-Mix Recipe which we use to draw out the true goodness of the coffee bean.

    After-Mix refers to a method of roasting each type of beans to its capacity with differing times and temperatures, then blending the different types after they've been roasted.

  • Iced Coffee Blend(Grounds)¥950with tax/200g
    A deeply roasted blend of beans specifically selected to enjoy iced, full of rich aroma. The beans are shipped direct from the factory and are fresh, thus giving the flavor a punch yet having a refreshing aftertaste. A mild iced coffee full of body can be enjoyed by cooling and refrigerating overnight.
  • Espresso Blend(Whole Beans)¥1,036with tax/200g
    Espresso is for enjoying the flavor of oils contained in the bean. WARARA's original espresso combines five different types of espresso beans, so you can fully savor the oil flavor in each bean. There is a hint of tanginess in the taste, by combining deeply roasted beans with lightly roasted beans. The oils of each type of bean blend in harmony for a deeper, more flavorful experience.

  • 〒530-0016
  • 電話番号:06-6147-6262
  • 営業時間:6:20〜15:30
  • 不定休:"Information"の営業日カレンダーをご確認ください。
  • ※インボイス登録店
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